IoT Wireless Communication Technologies

IoT Wireless Communication Technologies

2020, Jun 16    

Every IoT application has its own unique requirements, so the IoT connecitivity option that’s amazing for one application may be awful for another. Your application may have thousands for remote sensors, so battery life is a critical consideration.

Wireless technologies allow devices to speak (send data) to each other and the web (TCP/IP) without cables. There are a number of different wireless technologies that can be implemented in hardware products for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine to Machine (M2M) communication.

A Survey of Positioning Techniques

WiFi, ZigBee, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

IEEE 802.11: Wifi

IEEE 802.15.1: Bluetooth and BLE

IEEE 802.15.4: ZigBee

IEEE 802.16: WiMax