DEFCON Safe Mode 2020
The worldโs largest, longest continuously run underground hacking conference.
2020 Technical Conferences List
Note if you see:
- The television icon (๐บ) itโs linking to a video on YouTube or another cdn.
- Globe icon (๐) is a lander or other general info page.
- If you see the Newspaper (๐ฐ) itโs a link to technical papers.
- And if you see a Calendar (๐ ) is a link to an event schedule page.
FRIDAYโS TALKS: (all times in PDT)
0800 : Hack A Sat Launch Party - av-hack-a-sat-text
๐บ 1000 : Opening Remarks โ Getting the Aerospace Village to Take Off - av-terminal-text
gen. mattis - listen, learn, help, lead
๐บ 1200 : Satellite Orbits 101 - av-space-text
๐บ 1230 : GPS Spoofing 101 - av-space-text
๐บ 1300 : Building Connections Across the Aviation Ecosystem - av-aviation-text
๐บ 1400 : Experimental Aviation, Risks and Rewards - av-aviation-text
๐บ 1500 : Talking to Satellites 101 - av-space-text
๐บ 1700 : Exploiting Spacecraft - av-space-text
DEFCON Mainstage Youtube links
cubesat simulator
deep space networking
Bricks in the Air
Standards to look up
data bus related
MIL-STD-1553 ARINC 429
cisa industry standards
DO-326A/ED-202A - Airworthiness Security Process Spec DO-355/ED-204 - Information Security Methods DO-356A/ED-203A - Airworthiness ARINC 811 NIST 800-30 NIST 800-37 ARINC 852 ARINC 845 ATA Spec 42
open sky network https://www.atco2.org/
ettus.com usrp sdr from ni
Red team Village training
Atomic Purple Team Framework in Azure
- Deploy, Attack, Detect, Defend