Improving Space fluency
MeshONE-Terrestrial MeshONE-T
SDA presentation distruptive vs innovative technology
low risk incremental approach
beyond line of sight
semper sidious “always faster”
march 21 award date
space training range for testing capabilities
USAF: Roper joins first Digital Campaign Virtual Industry Day 09.23.2020
China Aerospace Studie Institute
Telesat Books 176M DARPA Blackjack Phase 2 sat demo
Day 2
Gen Raymond
space industry has become explosive
5 things independent service must do:
- develop our people; professional development with mindesets fit for space; information age talent; lateral on-ramp from industry;
- developing a force design; capabile of defending first mover advatange; off/deff operations; moving other domains into space
- joint warfighters
- devlivering capabilities at operational speed
first USAF doctrine daylight strategic bombing
first USSF doctrine
- spacepower doctrine
us air command aor vs us space commands aor
at altitude and at speed. lean, agile, and fast
three commands SPoC
- Operations Command (SpOC)
- Space Command
Star Command
- operations
- deltas
- squardons
chief partnership office at SMC SMC 2.0
digital headquarters, digital speaking multiples languaes, english and digital embrace digital engineering as the standard
Space systems command (SSC)
largest reorganization of national security space releasing final CSO planning guidance soon submitted first budget already
changing the way we do be business to get after how the domain is changing
defend what you have, shift a new defensive position,
have bridging strategies from old to new
great opportunity here - small agile service that can do things differently that will matter in our ability to secure our national defense.
how can industy better help intergrate c2 in current environment? most important integration, have standards for interfaces
working to develop sensor to shooter industry guidance
USSF have it’s own launch vehicles? happy with civilian launch partners space launch is a team sport
new civilian mission areas
- space situational awareness
biggest things industry
- provide some digital talent
- embrace digital engineering
predictive (preventive) robotics automation maintance for the Space domain
- run simulation alongside event to predict the outcome
launch vulcan vox rocketlab
ms jillyn howe Director, SMC/ECP Product Support Enterprise
Dr Roper
china likely 4x the population 15x the STEM graduates
kubernetes open architecture
building war winning IT The Art of Digital Engineering
DevSecOps Initiative and Platform One
as much as automated as can should be whatever can’t be automated it should be virtualized